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30 Day No Sugar Challenge: Days 18 & 19

One word to describe these last 2 days: crazy.

One word to describe the next 2 days: crazy.

So, needless to say, I didn’t get a post up last night about my no sugar day!

Daily Recap (yesterday and today)

  • I made homemade granola bars yesterday.  I PROMISE the recipe said “granola bars” but I do have to admit they had sugar in them and really were more “dessertish” (is that a word?!) than “granolaish.”  I felt like I was cheating and I probably was.  The good news: I only ate 1.5 pieces.
  • I went to my grandmother’s house today, and that usually means I ingested chocolate of some sort.  But not this time!  I saved a LOT of calories by not eating sweets.  She had peanut M&Ms, regular M&Ms and some other little cookie thing sitting on the counter.
  • Amazed how my clothes are fitting looser merely by cutting out sweets!

Sugar Rehab

If you are doing this 30 Day No Sugar Challenge, let me challenge you to not let the scale be the only measure of your success.

Here are benefits you may be seeing:

  • Healthier looking skin
  • Less “bloated”
  • More even energy levels (maybe you don’t experience the “sugar” highs, but you also don’t experience the sugar lows!)
  • Feel happier
  • More control over cravings/food choices
  • Weight loss
  • Spending less money on junk foods
  • Eating healthy foods

What benefits are you enjoying?

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30 Day No Sugar Challenge: Day 17

Thankfully, today has been much, much easier than yesterday.

It’s still been a dreary, cloudy, cool day, which usually makes me want comfort food of some sort (i.e. brownies, cookies).  I’ve stayed so busy today running errands and cleaning today, which helps.  Sometimes it’s just not good to sit around the house!

Daily Recap (how my day went without sugar)

  • Got a good bit of sleep last night and (thanks to my hubs) was able to sleep “late” (8:00 am) which I think has helped me feel less cravings today
  • Clothes are fitting looser…in all the right places! (I chalk it up to no sugar!)
  • Bought chocolate chips at the store today to make something for someone else, and normally if I was not doing this challenge, I would sneak a few.  Thank goodness I’m doing no sugar!

Sugar Rehab

I crave sweet potatoes now.  Weird, huh?

Now that I’ve cut sweets out of my diet, I want roasted sweet potatoes so badly!

Later this week I plan to share a delicious recipe with you using roasted sweet potatoes, so I wanted to talk about all of the wonderful benefits of sweet potatoes.  A lot of people think “Potatoes — bad, starchy, makes you fat!” but this just simply is not true!

It is true that sweet potatoes have carbohydrates in them — but they are complex carbohydrates.  Complex carbohydrates should make up about half of your daily calories, as they are higher in fiber and contain many nutrients your body needs.

Here’s the lowdown on these delicious, sweet vegetables:

For a sweet potato that is 2″ in diameter and 5″ long (raw):

Calories: 103 kcal

Protein: 2.3 g

Fat: 0.17

Fiber: 3.8

Vitamin C: 22.3 mg

Vitamin A: 1096 mcg

Beta Carotene: 13120 mcg

So, when you just want something sweet, bake yourself a sweet potato and sprinkle with a little cinnamon.  It might be just the healthy “treat” you need!



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30 Day No Sugar Challenge: Day 16

This post will be short and sweet.

In a nutshell: I wanted sweets today.

It was a dreary, cloudy day and much cooler than it has been.  I was around the house most of the day and I wanted sweets.

I went to the grocery store and I wanted sweets.

I looked around on other people’s food blogs and I wanted sweets.

But…I didn’t have sweets today.  That’s the beauty of doing this no sugar challenge.  Normally, I would’ve probably eat so many extra calories on a day like today, just because.  And not that it’s bad to have those kinds of days every now and then, but sometimes that sends me down the sweets road a little too far!

Hope your 16th day (first day of the 2nd half of this 30 Day No Sugar Challenge) went well and remember, when you have those days like I had today, you can resist and you will be glad later.

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30 Day No Sugar Challenge: Day 15

Congratulations!  You are half-way through this lifestyle-changing 30-day challenge!!!

Daily Recap

  • 2 different desserts were offered to me today at work.  I said “no” to both.
  • Got on the scale this morning and my weight was down a couple of pounds.  Haven’t been doing anything different other than cutting out the sweets!
  • I did eat pancakes with regular syrup tonight (*gasp*).  I know this is technically a “sweet” but somehow it just doesn’t have the same affect psychologically on me as eating pound cake or chocolate chip cookies.

Sugar Rehab

Today marks the halfway mark for the 30 Day No Sugar Challenge.  Hopefully you feel encouraged by that!

To be honest, I am feeling so much better than when I was eating a good bit of sugar.  I’m almost scared for the challenge to end.  Scared that I may fall back into “old” habits.

Here’s the thing about it, though: even if you start eating some sweets after this challenge is over, don’t make it a habit.  Habits are a way of life, and eating very little sugar should be our way of life.  Eating a dessert really should be a special occasional treat (not a daily treat).

Make this new way of eating a habit for you!




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30 Day No Sugar Challenge: Day 14

If you are new to this blog and are wondering “what in the world is a no sugar challenge and why in the world would anyone do that?” let me just say a few things to explain:

  1. I am NOT a believer in doing crazy dietary things.  For the most part, I believe in balance, moderation, and variety.
  2. A 30 Day No Sugar Challenge is just designed to help you be less dependent on sugar, for whatever reason you may be so.  (this includes drinking sugary beverages or eating sweets)
  3. This is one of the best things I have done for myself in a long time.  I’ve thought about giving up coffee completely, and I may do so one day.  But next to giving up caffeine, this is one of the hardest things for me to give up completely.
  4. Doing this 30 Day No Sugar Challenge has turned out to actually been much easier than I predicted.
  5. If you go through times where you eat sweets quite often and find yourself feeling like you need something sweet most days, this challenge if FOR YOU!  You will not regret doing this (once you get through the first few days!) Read this post and watch the video!

Daily Recap (how my day went without sugar)

  • Despite a rather hectic afternoon at work, I felt no propensity towards eating sweets
  • I’m getting to the point now where candy bars and cookies are just barely appealing at all (hooray!)
  • Looking forward to tomorrow, which marks the halfway point of the 30 Day No Sugar Challenge

Sugar Rehab

If you drink anything (besides milk) that has calories in it, you are probably drinking something with sugar.

Keep in mind that sports drinks (i.e. regular Gatorade, Powerade), mixed coffee beverages, and many “fruit” drinks have added sugar in them.

The downside to drinking sugary beverages: you don’t get full on them, yet you get a lot of calories from the sugar.

Stick to water or calorie-free drinks and get your calories from foods that will fill you up such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean protein.



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30 Day No Sugar Challenge: Day 13

Today was woooooooooooonderful.

Hope it was for you, too!

Felt such less craving for sugar and good energy levels.

Daily Recap (how my day went without sugar)

  • Thankfully no big temptations came my way, but even if they had, I think it would have been ok.
  • Other than my normal afternoon “slump” I had a lot of energy!
  • I got more sleep last night than usual, so I am thinking that really helped with cravings.

Sugar Rehab

If you tend to rely on sugar to give you “energy,” you may need to take a step back and look at your lifestyle.

Here are some ways to keep those energy levels up (to decrease sugar cravings):

  • Get plenty of rest.  This can be different for everyone, but if you are not getting adequate sleep, you will very likely crave carbohydrates (especially sugar).  You also will be less likely to exercise, which helps to curb those cravings as well.
  • Don’t skip meals.  Skipping meals will set you up for overeating and feeling out of control with your cravings.
  • Don’t skip your protein.  Protein helps you feel satisfied and fuller longer, thereby allowing you to say “no” easier to sugar.
  • Go for a walk.  This sounds cheesy, but if you are desperately craving something sweet, go for a walk.  Not only will it distract you from your craving, but it will likely give you that boost of energy you were looking for.

I hope this 30 Day No Sugar Challenge is helping you feel more energetic and less dependent on sugar.  Almost halfway there, so stay focused and don’t give up!


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30 Day No Sugar Challenge: Day 12

Hopefully by now you are feeling freed from the addiction of sugar.

I know that there are still moments when you may (as I do) crave chocolate or something else sweet.  And when it’s right there in front of you, you may still wish you could have a taste.

I hope that you find yourself less and less thinking about wanting something sweet, and more about the healthy foods you can eat that have a sweet taste to them.

Daily Recap (how my day went without sugar)

  • It was a busy day, so I did not think about sweets much.
  • The only time I did want something sweet (a milkshake actually) was after I went to the dentist today and my mouth was numb, yet I was so hungry my stomach was growling.  Ice cream would’ve been nice right then!
  • Enjoyed some sweet potatoes for dinner.

Sugar Rehab

Fruits and vegetables have such a delicious natural sweetness to them, and they taste even sweeter when you are eating less sugar.

My favorite “sweet” foods that are healthy:

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Red seedless grapes
  • Bananas
  • Fruit shake made with yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, flax seed and banana
  • Fresh pineapple

What healthy foods satisfy YOUR sweet tooth when you are trying to eat no sugar?

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30 Day No Sugar Challenge: Day 11

Today I missed the social aspect of eating sweets.  We had family over for dinner and normally my favorite part of the meal would be dessert.

But today…no dessert!

Truthfully, we had a good visit with family and did not really miss the dessert that much.  Having something sweet after dinner when company comes over is just one of those little habits that you don’t realize is there until it’s gone.

Daily Recap (how my day went with no sugar)

  • No sweets despite the fact that we had people over for dinner
  • Craving chocolate today
  • Ate a “no sugar added” Klondike bar.  Wasn’t that good, but it did help to curb the craving!

Sugar Rehab

Ever seen the term “sorbitol” in an ingredient list on a food and wondered what it was?

It’s actually a sugar alcohol, along with xylitol, manitol and maltitol.  There are a few other names of sugar alcohol compounds, and you can recognize them on the labels because they all end in “ol.”

So what are sugar alcohols?  They are compounds that add sweetness to foods without nearly the same amount of calories that regular sugar has.  Sugar alcohols are often used in conjunction with artificial sweeteners to balance out the extreme sweetness of artificial sweeteners.

You can overdo sugar alcohols, and when you do, you will likely feel some gastrointestinal distress.  Sugar alcohols can have a laxative effect, so it’s important to eat only in moderation.


If you’re struggling to stick with the 30 Day No Sugar Challenge, find a sugar-free (or no sugar added) version of your favorite food to help you deal with cravings!


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30 Day No Sugar Challenge: Days 9 & 10

I did not post yesterday because…

I completely forgot. 

Yesterday was one of those days.  The kind where every little thing that could go wrong, does (or so it seems).

Took the Little Buddy to the doctor, he screamed so loud I couldn’t even talk to the doctor, then he had to get shops…more loud screaming.  In the meantime, the Little Stinker went into my purse and hit my car alarm button and made the alarm go off.  (These kinds of things are why he is nicknamed the “Little Stinker.”

Also, the Little Buddy got four different “boo-boos” throughout the day.  There were other stressors but I blocked them out.  Have to do that to keep going!!!

But the important thing is that I did not eat sweets.  And I even got the Little Buddy ice cream after his shots.  But none for me.

I will say, though, that I wanted something sweet (particularly chocolate) very strongly.  It took all that was in me to resist.

I really just felt like I deserved it yesterday.  And I probably did!

Daily Recap (how my day(s) went without sugar)

  • Yesterday, wanted sweets very badly but resisted (it was a stressful, exhausting day)
  • Today, I’ve had my moments of wanting ice cream, and almost bought some no sugar added ice cream, but decided not to waste money on something that isn’t very good

Sugar Rehab

Persistence is so key to doing this challenge.  Keep on keepin’ on.  Never never never never give up.  I learned through the challenge of yesterday that I can make it through the stress without chocolate.

Just wanted to encourage you to stick it out a little longer.  We’re now 1/3 of the way there!!!



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30 Day No Sugar Challenge: Day 8

If someone tempts me with another piece of chocolate cake I might scream at them.

Not really, but I am slightly annoyed with how often we, as a society, need to “celebrate” with desserts.

At the surgical practice I work at, drug reps bring food in all.the.time.  And they know that we are so excited when they bring dessert in (along with a high calorie meal, usually involving some type of fried meat).

So I’ve been trying to keep it on the D.L. (I know, that phrase is showing my age!) that I’m not eating sweets this month, because I just don’t want to make it into a big deal.  But today, one of the nurses set aside a piece of this cake JUST FOR ME.  Normally, unfortunately, I’d be grateful.  Today, not so much.

So, I finished my meal and jetted out of the office to go get some coffee in another building and thankfully no one said anything.

Isn’t it amazing, though?  We are constantly bombarded with sugar!

And, like I’ve said before, I’m not against eating some sugar.  Moderation is good.  It’s just that I’m realizing that we’re tempted by it on an almost daily basis.  At least I am.  And I don’t even keep it in the house often!

Daily Recap (how my day went without sugar)

  • Resisted 2 different desserts!
  • Felt some strong cravings at times, probably because the chocolate cake in the office looked so rich and moist
  • Overall, my mood and energy levels are just so much better

Sugar Rehab

Ever wondered about the difference (nutrition-wise) between sugar and honey?

In a nutshell, sugar has about 15 calories per teaspoon and  honey has about 21 calories in a teaspoon.  That kind of makes it sound like honey is worse for you, right?

Calorie-wise they are very similar, but the benefit of honey is that it tastes sweeter than sugar.  That means you can use less of it while achieving the same sweetness.  This could end up saving you calories!

Even honey is added calories, though sometimes you may need it for its sweetening purposes.

An even better way to sweeten without using sugar OR honey: add applesauce or some other type of fruit!
Hope you are feeling great on the 8th day of this 30 Day No Sugar Challenge!

*If you are new to this blog, watch the video on this post to know what all of this challenge stuff is about.  Then join me on this challenge that will improve your health!

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